Heka Filter afd example

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Heka Filter AFD example

Here is example of AFD (AnomalyFaultDetection) plugin.
The main idea plugin is:

  • count number of incoming messages per second
  • calculate average rate
  • put this rate into InfluxDB and create chart in Grafana

Collecting data

To collect message rate we are using filter which called on each incoming message.
Each process_message() call just add 1 to circular buffer.

Cirular buffer

Heka's LUA SandBox has bilt-in Circular Buffer Library ehich can be used for data aggregation.
More details:

Circular buffer works like RRDTools (RRD is round-robin archive) but store data in RAM.

Simplest buffer created with looks like:

|Time | Data1 |
|-Ns  |  aN   |
|...  | ...   |
|-2s  |  a3   |
|-1s  |  a2   |
|Now()|  a1   |

Loopback error

type = "SandboxFilter"
filename = "/usr/share/lma_collector/filters/afd_test2.lua"
message_matcher = "TRUE"
ticker_interval = 1

    critical_delta = 1
2016/02/03 18:39:40 Plugin 'aggregator_tcpoutput' error: writing to write tcp broken pipe
2016/02/03 18:39:41 Plugin 'aggregator_tcpoutput' error: writing to write tcp broken pipe
2016/02/03 18:39:41 Plugin 'heartbeat_filter_lua' error: attempted to Inject a message to itself
2016/02/03 18:39:41 Plugin 'heartbeat_filter_lua' error: attempted to Inject a message to itself
2016/02/03 18:39:41 Plugin 'heartbeat_filter_lua' error: Terminated. Reason: timer_event() /usr/share/lma_collector/filters/afd_test2.lua:57: inject_payload() creates a circular reference (matches this plugin's message_matcher)
2016/02/03 18:39:41 Plugin 'heartbeat_filter_lua': stopped
2016/02/03 18:39:41 Plugin 'heartbeat_filter_lua': has stopped, exiting plugin without shutting down.